Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Asian American Special, and Some Clever Test Answers

While you're checking out clever test answers from this blog, and are interested in procrastinating further, you may be interested in checking out: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/asian.american/index.html

CNN is doing a special on Asian Americans for Asian American month. It has articles concerning the model minority myth, some history and a timeline on Asian American immigration, notes some of the past challenges of Asian Americans and what challenges Asian Americans may face ahead, and even includes a video on what it's like to grow up a hapa, among other things.

Kudos to CNN for putting this on.

I was especially interested in the article on Heroes star Oka, given my background in theater. Being a fourth generation Asian American on one side, and first on the other, it definitely has been tough finding an identity and being comfortable with it, given that stereotypes on how asians should behave still perpetuate. It's interesting to think about. Thoughts?

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