Thursday, September 18, 2008

Common Casting

Oops!  I still have two more posts on China to go.  But in the meantime, I can't say how awed and happy I am at how this week is going.  First of all, classes are great.  I got into the Social Studies tutorial I wanted ("Citizenship Rights"), and it only has six students!   I'm also getting rid of three Core requirements (Science A: Nanotechnology, Science B: Origins of Knowledge, Lit A: Lives Ruined by Literature), and fourth year Chinese!  Yikes.

But the most amazing thing this week by far has been Common Casting.  This is the week that pretty much all of the Harvard theatrical productions hold auditions for actors.  Ours has been scheduled starting this past Monday to Thursday 9 p.m. to Midnight, and we're on our last night tonight!  We've had amazing turnout, and nothing makes my day better than when an actor shows up and loves the audition, and the play, and is really excited for the production.  Because of the roundabout way that I came to Harvard theater (thank you for your understanding, team!), our team has been flooding the open, house, ethnic, and other email lists encouraging everyone to audition.  We're trying to be as friendly, welcoming and helpful as possible, because sometimes it can be very intimidating to audition in front of three to four strangers, and be judged, you know?

The monologues that we're having people read are Sherry Johnson and her discussion of a separate police officer's death, Romaine Patterson and standing up to Fred Phelps, Aaron Kriefels on discovering the body, and Jedidiah Schultz on how close to home prejudice can be.  All are very moving and heartrending monologues.  The dialogue scenes are the confession of Aaron McKinney with Rob Debree (Male), and the nearly fatal and life-altering event of Reggie Fluty and Marge Murray (Female).  Oh man!!

1 comment:

Carey Anthony said...

Standing up to Fred Phelps!? That's awesome. You should put some of them up on YouTube.

BTW, your classes sound AMAZING!! Why didn't we have classes like that when I went to college??

Oh yeah...I didn't go to Harvard. LOL.

Have a great weekend Jason!