Sunday, June 01, 2008

Internet Troubles

Unfortunately I cannot update as often or as detailed as I originally hoped! Suffice to say I'll do my best. For some reason, whenever I try to access my blog via, I can't. I've even tried to follow a google link to my site. I've tried this on my laptop and on my grandparent's laptop, same internet connection though. The web works, but I can't go to my site! Does this mean my blog is blocked? Haha, maybe. This makes me wonder if I've accidentally mentioned a forbidden topic or something. All of xanga doesn't work for me neither. I still get the NYTimes and wikipedia though.

I was able to post this by going to, and from there access my dashboard. In any case, Beijing is really exciting and really awesome!! I've posted some pictures on facebook. If you're in the area, contact me!! I'm eager to make new friends while I'm here.

Being here is definitely an interesting cultural and economic and personal experience- and I've only been here a few days!! I definitely recommend everyone getting international experience abroad here! Pollution isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I hope to update again soon! As soon as I stop being so lazy.

Update: I can post now, but I still can't access my blog :-P


Lewis Leong said...

Don't you love China's censorship? I'm curious to see what type of sites they block. Do they block Wikipeida? Try going to a site that talks shit about the Chinese government lol. Oh, and do a speed test! I want to see what the Chinese are getting over there compared to our lowly speeds here in the States.

Anonymous said...

blogger is definitely blocked. there are ways you can get around that, but i forget the technical details. try googling this (if that itself isn't blocked).

Anonymous said...

You are just an awesome kid!
(I can call you that because I have two daughters your age.) Kidding aside, I really want to thank you for writing back to us!

I was just going over your Blog and come to find out you are in China.

That means you took the time to write to our Minority Builders Association while you are on the other side of the Earth. That is just the coolest thing ever!

It shows your true heart and genuine spirit for helping people. You definitely inspire us.

We are putting your "Minorities in Society" Document on our website. We thank you for the permission to do so. It's an outstanding body of work because you took pieces of very complicated studies and, well..."Freud," and actually made it understandable.

I just shared with the President of the MBA in Charleston (SC) that you wrote that beautiful letter to us while on Holiday in China.

He said, "What a truly devoted and kind individual to do so."

We all wish you happy and safe travels. You are having the travel opportunity that a lot of us will never get to experience.

Keep up your wonderful work Friend.
You are someone to keep an eye on for the future.

Great Blog. Thank you again.